The cuts affected the entire Alphabet and various product lines, and those employees whose tasks had a lower priority fell under it.

Alphabet, which owns Google, will lay off about 12,000 employees, CEO of both companies Sundar Pichai said. In his letter, he expressed his “deepest regret” over the decision and took full responsibility for all the steps of the company that led to this.
Pichai said that for two years Alphabet has been actively developing and hiring employees to stimulate this growth, without expecting to find itself in “current economic conditions.” Now she has to focus on reducing costs and direct all efforts to the most priority areas for business.
The dismissed employees from the USA have already been sent notifications. For at least 60 days from now, the company will pay salaries, and will also offer severance payments — this is money for 16 working weeks plus two more weeks for each year worked at Google.
In addition to this, she will pay for the holidays not paid in 2022 and give out bonuses earned for the year, continue to cover health insurance for six months, help with finding a new job and immigration issues.
In other countries, the reduction will take longer due to the peculiarities of local laws. Dismissed employees will also receive support payments.
Other IT companies are also trying to control costs amid financial problems. Meta* announced cuts of 11 thousand people, Microsoft — 10 thousand, Amazon — 18 thousand. In Salesforce, it was about 7000 employees, in Twitter — about 50% of the staff, in Oracle — about “hundreds” of people.