Is it possible to outsmart the brain so as not to experience false hunger? Easily!
Our brain is cunning, but you and I are smarter. I constantly talk about the various tricks of our “processor" that sabotage development, practical steps and in general incline us in every possible way to the notorious comfort zone.

In weight loss, sports and the transition to a healthy lifestyle, it works in exactly the same way. We also dig into learning (instead of motor skills), create the illusion of control and deceive ourselves in every possible way, because of which the process is slowed down, and the treasured cubes on the stomach remain somewhere beyond the horizon.

Naturally, it is necessary to understand the psychology of eating behavior, to learn awareness in matters of health, so that an eco-friendly relationship with the body is the norm, and not the result of tricks. But while we are just starting, we will be cunning.

Today I’ll show you some great options to cheat hunger.
Once again, I remind you that on a HEALTHY diet, a person should not experience a PHYSICAL feeling of malnutrition. It is impossible to underestimate the calorie content to sadistic values ​​(below 1200 kcal is impossible for anyone!), In order to constantly dream of food and see cakes in a dream. In any case, this will lead to a breakdown and rollback.

But when you have built the right scheme and the balance of energy circulates in the right direction for an adequate rate of weight loss, another conversation begins. Here we are talking about psychological hunger, the consequences of long and bad habits, a passive lifestyle, and so on. And here I have a few tricks against it. Let’s go!

Start your day with protein
This is a very cool method based on elementary biochemistry. Any product that enters our body after a long period of hunger (in the usual schedule – after sleep) causes a jump in sugar. But carbohydrates are the most powerful. At the same time, the classic healthy lifestyle breakfast is for some reason oatmeal, toast, orange juice and other products of this order. As a result, we get a powerful release of insulin, and then the very thing “we ate, you can sleep” and a very fast new surge of hunger.

I must say right away that not everyone’s body reacts in this way, but the phenomenon is frequent. If after breakfast you get lazy and after a couple of hours you want to eat, try starting the day with protein and fatty (healthy!) Food. Different formats of cooking eggs, cottage cheese, high-quality ham, and even meat, fish, poultry, if you are ready for a full meal in the morning. And leave carbohydrates for lunch or even evening. For many, this gives a comfortable sleep and generally significantly changes the pace of the day.

End the day with expenses, not income
I recently heard an interesting rule from an athlete. The last action of the day should be focused on energy expenditure. We usually have dinner, and then we go into passive mode. But at least a couple of weeks, try to change this scheme.

Do a light warm-up or stretch before bed, or maybe a full-fledged workout. Many athletes work out in the evening and sleep well at night, and during the next day they have a great energy boost and everything is OK with a feeling of satiety.

My evening activity is jogging. Easy, meditative and accompanied by an interesting lecture, podcast or your own thoughts, reflecting on the past day and planning the next one. Great point at the end of the day. Try!

Water should always be in your diet! In addition to limitless benefits, it also compensates for false hunger! |
Distinguish between hunger and thirst
For some, it sounds trite, but sometimes we want to drink, not eat, or we just need to send a signal to the brain that something has got into the stomach so that it calms down its psychological Wishlist to overeat. If you feel hungry, try drinking a large glass of warm water. You can squeeze a lemon in there. I also include tasty and healthy teas or herbs there.

As a last resort, try cutting yourself a large bowl of vegetable salad (only without butter, cheese, and other additives) and eat it consciously and with pleasure. Wait 20 minutes and you will definitely feel full.

Do you want to eat? Push up!
Physical activity perfectly interrupts the feeling of psychological hunger. I will not dive into the depths of physiological processes, but it works great. Thought about getting into the fridge, doing 30 push-ups or crunches, or maybe even a full home workout.

You will see how the thoughts of sandwiches fade into the background (unless, of course, you have a real hunger).

Make your dopamine list
A method solely aimed at breaking the destructive pattern of food = pleasure. Food is the simplest source of dopamine, so we turn to it every time we are emotionally stormy or just want to “please” ourselves for no reason.

So, it is very important to learn to enjoy life without a roll in your mouth.